The Famouse........
Every one on this Earth wants to be famous. Every beggar wants to be a famous beggar in the colony, every student wants to be most famous among teachers and every boy wants to be famous among..... ahem ahem... Well, the topic here is not about this "famous" its about "FaMouse". My text editor shows a great red line below this word showing that its a spelling mistake, but i think u have guessed it right to the point, I am talking about the famous mouse which is right under your hand and may be shouting "Will, you please stop fingering me!!!". (though we have advanced from mouse to touch pad, fingering continues.) This mouse was born back in 1963 and since then is pleading for mercy. In 1990 the biggest enemy of mouse came, the "Internet". You may be saying, no, internet is the best stuff on the world,,, but my dear, when this best stuff of the world says u "Page cannot be displayed!!" the very first thing on which you reveal your anger is non else but the innocent cute mouse under your hand ( remember the last time when u smashed that little thing on the desk?? ). Well, whatever it is but its the most useful tiny creature on this planet. It gives the whole world to your hand, just a click away. With these ending words I hope u enjoyed reading this post, and as usual, comments are most welcome......
Nature and Men
Once upon a time everyone was in danger,
Situation was going more and more stranger.
Everyone was disappearing in the fog,
Howling men and the barking dog.
The darkness was going wide and wide,
They were seeing the destruction aside.
The ray of hope was behind cloud's tide,
To reach out of darkness everyone tried.
But an angel was now coming to home,
After coming she build a large Dome.
She was the ray of hope for all the men,
She became for all one of their ken.
They gave her name, Nature,
Which was a god like creature.
She started spreading Lightness in dark,
and gave a spirit to the dead Bark.
She taught to men how to be civilized,
And how all difficulties could be minimized.
She gave all the things to live,
slowly-slowly men started to believe,
that their development can be done by Nature,
And now they took her like a great Teacher.
Nature gave a precious stone - Brain,
by which men found wheel and took it to Train,
And from Train it progressed to airplane,
They also developed a hand, and named it Crane.
This was not end of music by basoon,
Men started progressing soon and soon,
Started forgetting the real joy of noon,
And by working hard they reached the Moon.
We are more than Nature they started thinking,
In everyone's mind this idea was blinking.
They started taking more things from nature,
Only for happiness and for their pleasure.
Nature said them 'Its not good for my Health',
But others said 'Its necessary for our Wealth'.
Only for their wealth Nature started Dieing,
Still looking this men continued buying.
That was an evening when Nature was serious,
But still for development men were curious.
Slowly the Sun was going down and down,
Slowly their body was going brown and brown.
When Sun disappeared , it became Dark,
Life was gone from the first bark.
Her life at-last came to end,
At this moment Heaven too bend.
Then a very dark storm came,
And to each other they started to blame.
Everyone was crying in the shame,
Because of the destruction that now came.
Every were there was Destruction and Destruction,
No one helped, neither their selfishness nor their construction.
On that large dome, life came to end,
neither a letter nor a sms to send.
But one boy was still living,
He was quietly listening, writing and seeing.
He was not knowing his own Ken,
He was writing the poem "Nature and Men".
Situation was going more and more stranger.
Everyone was disappearing in the fog,
Howling men and the barking dog.
The darkness was going wide and wide,
They were seeing the destruction aside.
The ray of hope was behind cloud's tide,
To reach out of darkness everyone tried.
But an angel was now coming to home,
After coming she build a large Dome.
She was the ray of hope for all the men,
She became for all one of their ken.
They gave her name, Nature,
Which was a god like creature.
She started spreading Lightness in dark,
and gave a spirit to the dead Bark.
She taught to men how to be civilized,
And how all difficulties could be minimized.
She gave all the things to live,
slowly-slowly men started to believe,
that their development can be done by Nature,
And now they took her like a great Teacher.
Nature gave a precious stone - Brain,
by which men found wheel and took it to Train,
And from Train it progressed to airplane,
They also developed a hand, and named it Crane.
This was not end of music by basoon,
Men started progressing soon and soon,
Started forgetting the real joy of noon,
And by working hard they reached the Moon.
We are more than Nature they started thinking,
In everyone's mind this idea was blinking.
They started taking more things from nature,
Only for happiness and for their pleasure.
Nature said them 'Its not good for my Health',
But others said 'Its necessary for our Wealth'.
Only for their wealth Nature started Dieing,
Still looking this men continued buying.
That was an evening when Nature was serious,
But still for development men were curious.
Slowly the Sun was going down and down,
Slowly their body was going brown and brown.
When Sun disappeared , it became Dark,
Life was gone from the first bark.
Her life at-last came to end,
At this moment Heaven too bend.
Then a very dark storm came,
And to each other they started to blame.
Everyone was crying in the shame,
Because of the destruction that now came.
Every were there was Destruction and Destruction,
No one helped, neither their selfishness nor their construction.
On that large dome, life came to end,
neither a letter nor a sms to send.
But one boy was still living,
He was quietly listening, writing and seeing.
He was not knowing his own Ken,
He was writing the poem "Nature and Men".

Dreams are the most beautiful way to communicate with our-self. It provides us a medium towards the creative world of our own. Were we are the leading character of the crowd, which generally isn't true in our real life. That's why people say that dream is an unreal world and we must not live in that world, we must be practical and do hard work to achieve success. But I don't agree with that. I believe that Dream is a must for a successful life.
And ya, I want to share one example which I read in a book named "50 Unresolved Mysteries". It was the end of 1st world war, with lots of destructions. A couple who loved each other too much were separated. Every one thought that the warrior is dead in the war, but one day the woman saw a dream in which his husband was blocked inside an old broken castle, and she also saw the surroundings. From next day she started searching that location, and finally found that location. Then with help of few local villagers she removed the fallen parts of the castle and then she was really surprised to see the result...Her warrior husband was there sitting in one corner. So, this shows the power of dream. There are many more such similar examples, this was just one of them.
So, the conclusion is that, dreams are no always unreal, in fact its our real world that influences our dreams. So, keep on dreaming , one day or other your dreams will surely come true if you have the faith in them.
This is the way, I think about Dreams, you can also share your thoughts about Dreams. Comments are most welcome.
Small Dreams can't lead to Big Success

A small stair can't take you too high, same way small dreams can't lead you to a Big Success.
No doubt, history has many examples of huge success withour even expecting it, but we should not forget, its ACCIDENTAL success NOT REAL success! We can not stare at sky and expect from god of an accidental success, instead we must dream big, do big and achieve big!
Who doesn't now Michael Jordan the best basket ball player ever. He was rejected from basket ball team because of his height, 5'11''. In spite of the physical constrain he had, he never constrained his dreams. He worked harder and harder and came back as an excellent basket ball player and guess what, with height 6'6''! This is the power of Dream and Determination!
"Dream is seed of success and hard work is water you feed it with"
-Kunal Sarkar (source:How dreams lead to success)
-Kunal Sarkar (source:How dreams lead to success)
At then end we can conclude that accidental success may happen in rare cases but real success is always initiated by a dream. That said, we must remember that dream will show the destination but the path to the destination is followed by dedication and hard work only.
Have a good journey to success!
My India
From My Window
The Human Blood
A Rose and Due
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